What are the expectations that young people have towards the European Union? How can citizenship education and international youth exchange contribute to promoting a more vivid debate about the future of European democracy?
These were two of the guiding questions at the conference “Fwd:Europe – The young generation” that was organised by the Protestant Academies in Germany. The Protestant Academies (Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung) are also one of the main partners of Once upon today. On the beautiful island of Schwanenwerder, more than fourty people came together and gave an insight into their work. There were pecha kucha presentations, workshops, and discussion rounds.
Andrea, Caro, and Tanya presented the idea and experiences of our programme. Many people were interested to learn more about the methods and came up with own ideas how to apply them in their work.
More information about the conference can be found here. Also check out the programme and the online debate on publixphere.